Monday, September 11, 2006

Psalms of a sarcastic psyche

Sing Praise all you nations
for the chosen people of the one true God.
God has crushed their enemies
and lifted up their king,
the son of a great king.
Who shall challenge the power of God's people;
who defy the might of his right hand?
They shall be crushed
and have their names blotted out
from the records of the nations.
In God we Trust, and under his banner
we prevail peace upon the nations
with a mighty sword.
Who shall stand agins
the judgement of the Lord
while our scabbards dangle
empty at our sides.
God is great and rendered greater still
by shouts of victory
and swords raised high.

Lift up your voices, all ye who fear the Lord!
Lift them up in a loud clamor of adoration
that he may hear you and respond.
Shout louder that he may hear your cries.
Some may trust in horses,
Some may trust in chariots;
But we will trust in our divine king
whose reign shall know no end.
Blessed be the name of the Lord,
which protects and blesses us with riches.
Who is like Him that looks past our iniquities;
who like he that judges not our trespasses?
For he has looked down on his Holy Ones,
and set them apart for his will;
they that oppose them shall go hastily to the grave.
The seas rage and the waves crash against the shore;
The heavens pour forth their fury, the rains pelt the earth.
The sun is extinguished, the moon turns to blood;
The lightning snaps, and the thunder peals forth.
But we hear it not, hidden in the contentment
of our assurance of your blessing.
How great is our blessing!
How great to be blessed!


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