Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Why do you say "Peace, Peace" when there is no peace

we won't be denied our piece of the pie of empire

just because we became a superpower too late

overpowering love with hate

War crimes in peace times

leave no room for debate of

presidential decisions

essentialist revisions

of past present and future

suture the wounds of a broken world

as we're hurled from our detached apathy

in the aftermath that we

multiplied when dividing people from places and things

in our nominal constructs

which destruct the verbal reality

of war, with just war theories

and 4 game world series

in which the only teams are american

because we have defined reality

so that we are the peacemakers

who will inherit the earth.

Why do you say "Peace, Peace" when there is no peace

The American meritocracy’s aftertaste was meretricious

in the wake of 9/11, like tricks who swallow and say “delicious!”

Trix are not for kids, and I don’t follow white rabbits;

Rabid souls weigh more than gluttonous eating habits.

Rapid-fire consumption’s rampant: we’re fired up with fuel that's watered down

Though with hydrophobia, your fear of water makes you drown

In these ankle-deep metaphors, I won’t wait around.

But I will repeat in graphic detail

How I saw on 9/11 our country worshipping Baal:

On our knees we were gathered, supposedly in prayer

But in reality to prostitute ourselves before the phalluses of imperialism:

Fallacies of materialism - altars of our nation’s pride and greed


Yet to their ashes we still bow.

How can we bow on our knees

Like unsuspecting altarboys

But still say, “Father, please”

Drink to the lee's of the devil's jizm

Why do we revel in our materialism

And silence our selves with syllogisms

Seditious libellers branded into submission

this cancer of consumer distress is not in remission

Why do you say "Peace, Peace" when there is no peace

I don't know why the caged bird sings in this golden prison

because when I think of bars I am driven

to tears over the atrocities that occurred in Abu Ghraib

and the reality that innocence is so often arraigned

even in our own country

"the land of the brave"?

Why do the nations rage

and the peoples plot in vain

Why do you say peace peace when there is no peace, oh Lord

I come not to bring peace, but to bring a sword


Blogger sueah said...

yaa ostaath, hal ent amriki gidaan?! j/k.

mish 'arif ma athun 'an da (laa 'arif ma athun 'an hatha), wa lakin athun 'an momkin ent el amriki el gaid li ennaka tastati' an tara kharij min baladka wa ahlika.

5:33 AM  

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